Common Issues
& Concerns
Issues rooted in limiting beliefs, trauma and our relationship and family struggles often catch us up in a loop of negative behaviors and thinking patterns. Adaptive responses that may once have served us are no longer useful in the here and now, and they can hold us back from changing, evolving and living fully. Relational therapy provides a way to unlearn old habits and begin to perceive and relate to ourselves and others in a new way.
While each of us has a unique lived experience, many of us have similar struggles when it comes to family and relationships, career and life transitions and self-perception. Do any of the following apply to you?
Relationships & Family
Do you struggle with intimate partnerships and want to understand why?
Do you have a desire to learn how to better navigate your relationships?
Are you in a “good enough” romantic relationship, but questioning whether to stay or go?
Do you experience challenges making friends or maintaining friendships?
Are you struggling with a friendship and how to navigate difficult conversations?
Are you wanting to transition into an adult relationship with your family?
Do you want to change your family dynamics for the better?
Career & Life Transitions
Are you experiencing success, but unsure what to do next? (Stay at your current job? Move on? Enter a new field? Go back to school?)
Do you have a fear of failure – or a fear of success?
Do you want to change jobs or fields, but feel like your identity is wrapped up in your career?
Do you wonder how others will see you if you change your career?
Are you ready to find something more fulfilling, but can’t figure out how to make a shift?
Do you find yourself staying busy in order to avoid yourself?
Have you learned to stay out of your body and in your head, and now don't know what you feel or why you’re feeling it?
Do you find it hard to figure out who you are and what you like?
Do you struggle with your sense of self and find yourself changing to match your environment?
Do you see yourself as having few friendships, even when you have many?
Do you need boundaries but have no idea what that looks like or feels like in practice?
Do you have expectations of perfectionism for yourself – and others?
Do you struggle with negative self-image or body image issues?
Do you experience periods of low self-esteem or low self-confidence?
Have you read all the books and know all the concepts, but can't seem to actually create change in the areas you keep reading about?
My approach to therapy helps you make sense of why your brain works the way it does in the first place, so you can release yourself from the repetitive patterns that once protected you – and that now cause problems. I give you tools that promote flexible and adaptive ways of thinking, so that you become aware, open and capable of creating lasting change.
Areas of specialization
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relationship Issues
- Dating
- Trauma
- Friendship
- Codependency
- Career Change
- Life Transition